Test With Simulator

After compilation, you can quickly test the MVIS with simulation.


Simulation Environment

  • 1 base IMU

  • 2 auxiliary IMUs

  • 1 auxiliary Gyro

  • 2 rolling shutter cameras

Run the simulation with:

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch mvis yulin_sim_multi_imu.launch

Note that you need to specify the OUTPUT_FOLDER for the results:

<arg name="dosave_state"        default="true" />
<arg name="path_state_est"      default="OUTPUT_FOLDER/state_est.txt" />
<arg name="path_state_std"      default="OUTPUT_FOLDER/state_std.txt" />
<arg name="path_state_gt"       default="OUTPUT_FOLDER/state_gt.txt" />
<arg name="dosave_calib"        default="true" />
<arg name="path_calib_est"      default="OUTPUT_FOLDER/$(arg dataset)_calib_results.txt" />

During the running, the rviz is recommended to check the estimated trajectory and map. Please use the display setup in:


Check the simulation results:

rosrun mvis error_simulation   OUTPUT_FOLDER/state_est.txt OUTPUT_FOLDER/state_std.txt OUTPUT_FOLDER/state_gt.txt

You can also use the shell scripts:


Test With Real World Datasets

1 Base IMU + 3 Auxiliary IMUs + 3 Global Shutter cameras

Download the example dataset collected using VI-Rig.

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch mvis yulin_virig_for_mvis_3cams.launch

Note that you need to specify the download dataset name and path through:

<arg name="dataset"       default="virig_4imus_3cams_april_01" />
<arg name="bag_path"      default="DATASET_PATH/$(arg dataset).bag" />

1 Base IMU + 3 Auxiliary IMUs + 2 Global Shutter cameras + 2 Rolling shutter cameras

Download the example dataset collected using VI-Rig.

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch mvis yulin_virig_for_mvis_init_large_errors.launch

Note that you need to specify the download dataset name and path through:

<arg name="dataset"       default="virig_4imus_3cams_april_01" />
<arg name="bag_path"      default="DATASET_PATH/$(arg dataset).bag" />

You can specify the way to use an auxiliary IMU (as Full IMU or Gyro only) through:

<arg name="imus_s_mode"   default="[0, 0, 0]" /> <!-- 0: full imu, 1: gyro only -->

‘‘Full IMU’’ means both accelerometer and gyroscope of the IMU is used while ‘‘Gyro only’’ means only the gyroscope is used.